X:2 T:Summer's Almost Done and Gone S:Setting #2 of tune #102 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/102/setting/2 N:Original tune generated at https://folkrnn.org using the thesession_with_repeats model with RNN seed = 329273; temperature = 0.5; prime tokens = M:4/4 K:Cmin M:4/4 K:Emin |:B,EE2 GFGA|Bee2 gfed|BdAB GAFG|ADFA GFED| B,EE2 GFGA|Bee2 gfed|BdAd BdAF|1GEFD E3D:|2 GEFD EGBd | |:e3f gfeg|fdBd Adfd|ecGc Ecec|dBFB DFAc| BEE2 GFGA|Bee2 gfed|BdAd BdAF|1GEFD E2 B2:|2 GEFD E4||