X:1283 T:Folk RNN Tune №91401 S:Tune #1283 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/1283 N:Generated at https://folkrnn.org using the thesession_with_repeats model with RNN seed = 603421; temperature = 1.08; prime tokens = M:4/4 K:Cdor M:4/4 Q:120 K:Cdor c2gc ac'gc'|(3c'd'c'ge fdcB|G2ce gdd'f|gfdB cBGF| B2dB cBcA|B2de fdcB|g2ac' d'c'bg|c'gba afag:| c'c'gc' d'c'ga|e'd'bd' d'2bd'|c'e'd'c' bgd'd'|c'c'd'c' gc'e'd'| c'c'gc' bagc'|b2gf g2ab|c'gfg baag|fddc dBBd:|