X:1478 T:Folk RNN Tune №116255 S:Tune #1478 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/1478 N:Generated at https://folkrnn.org using the thesession_with_repeats model with RNN seed = 704707; temperature = 1.0; prime tokens = M:4/4 K:Cdor G c c B c d e c B G F G B c B F M:4/4 Q:120 K:Cdor GccB cdecBGFG BcBF |GccB cdef|gbbc' bgfd|GccB cdec| BGFG BcBG|cBcd cBGB|cBGF G2cB:||:G2cd efgf| dcBd f2gf|(3defgf efgb|c'bgb fdcB|G2cd efgf| dcBc def2|gc'c'b gabg|f2df gfdB:|