X:0 T:Why are you and your 5,599,881 parameters so hard to understand? S:Tune #35 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/35 N:This tune was generated by folk-rnn v2, and appears in the conference paper, B. L. Sturm, "What do these 5,599,881 parameters mean? An analysis of a specific LSTM music transcription model, starting with the 70,281 parameters of its softmax layer", 6th International Workshop on Musical Metacreation, June 2018. http://musicalmetacreation.org/workshops/mume-2018/ N: M:6/8 K:Cmaj |:CDEG,2A,|CDEA,2G,|CDEG,2G,|C3A,3| CDEG,2A,|CDEG3|AAGA2B|c3C3:| |: CDEG2A|G3E2D|CDEC2D |ECA,G,2G,| CDEG2A|G3A3|GC2DED|C3C3:| X:1 T:Why are you and your 5,599,881 parameters so hard to understand? S:Setting #1 of tune #35 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/35/setting/1 C:folk-rnn (v2) + Bob L. Sturm M:6/8 K:Gmaj |:"G"GABD2"D"E|GAB"C"E2D|"G"GABD2D|"Em"G3"C"E3| "G"GABD2"D"E|GAB"Bm"d3|"C"eede2"C/a"f|"G"g3"G"G3:| |: "G"GABd2"C"e|"C/d"d3"D/b"B2"C/a"A|"G/c"GABG2A |"Em"BGE"D"D2"#f"D| "G"GABd2"C"e|"C/d"d3"C/e"e3|"G/d"dG2"D/a"ABA|"C/g"G3"G"G3:| X:0 T:Why are you still singing even when reduced to a 30-dimensional subspace? F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/35/setting/0 C:folk-rnn (v2 + intervention) S:Setting #0 of tune #35 archived at The Machine Folk Session M:6/8 K:Dmaj |:"Bm"DEFB,2B,|DEFB2d|"G"dBA"Em"B2D|"D"FFD "A"EEE| "Bm"DEFB,2B,|DEF"Bm"B2d|dBB "Em"B2A|1"A"FEC"D"D2B,:|2 "A"FEC"D"D3| |:"Bm"d2e dcd|"C"eee "A"ABA|"D"dff "A"efg|fee "G"b3| "A"age e2f|"D"d/2e/2dB "G"Bdc|"D"d2B"A"A2A|"G"BD"A"C"D"D3:| X:3 T:Let's attenuate the probability of B, by a factor of 100 S:Setting #3 of tune #35 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/35/setting/3 C:folk-rnn (v2 + intervention reducing probability of B,) M:6/8 K:Dmaj |:"D"def"A"A2G|"Bm"FFG "D"A2d|"A"cde "Em"gee| "A"fgf "Em"eec| "D"def "A"A2G|"Bm"FAA "G"D2G|"A"FAd ege|1 "D"dcd d2A:||2dcd dAA |:"Em"eee a2g|"D"fdd fed|"A"A3 efg|ced "A"Ace| "Em"eee efg | "Bm"fdf agf|"Em"egg "A"eag|1"D"fdd ddA:||2"D"fdd d3| X:4 T:I removed your 4th singular vectors and this is what you generate? S:Setting #4 of tune #35 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/35/setting/4 M:6/8 K:Dmaj |:dcdF2A|faDG2B|AB=cedB|cAec3| d3d2f|edBG3|cdeg2B|1ABcd2A:|2 ABcd2 d| |:dAGF2G|A2ABcd|eAABGE|AfcAfG| dAGF2G|A2ABfg|fedcBc|ABcd2d:|