X:474 T:Folk RNN Tune №16978 S:Tune #474 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/474 N:Generated at https://folkrnn.org using the thesession_with_repeats model with RNN seed = 737342; temperature = 1.0; prime tokens = M:4/4 K:Cmaj C M:4/4 K:Cmaj C2GC EGEG|cdec dAA2|GCC2 DEFG|ADDE FGAB| c3G ECEG|cedc A2GA|c2Ac GEE2|1GEDF ECCB,:| |2GEDF ECC2|:ecc2 dcAB|cded cAG2|ecc2 dcAB| cAGE DGG2|ecc2 dcdB|cAA2 GAcd|ecc2 AGEG|1 AGED ECC2:||2AGED EGcB|