X:0 T:Looser Ties S:Tune #682 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/682 N:M:6/8 N:Generated at https://folkrnn.org using the thesession_with_repeats model with RNN seed = 413324; temperature = 1.0; prime tokens = M:6/8 K:Cmix G c d e 2 d | g c' d' c' b g Q:120 K:Cmix Gcd e2d|gc'd' c'bg|fdf eBd|Bgf dBG| Gcd ede|gc'd' c'bg|fdB dfg|fdc c3:| Bcd c2a|bgf efg|fdB Bcd|edc BGF| Bcd c2c'|bge def|geg fed|ecB c3:| X:1 T:Looser Ties S:Setting #1 of tune #682 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/682/setting/1 N:Original tune generated at https://folkrnn.org using the thesession_with_repeats model with RNN seed = 413324; temperature = 1.0; prime tokens = M:6/8 K:Cmix G c d e 2 d | g c' d' c' b g M:6/8 Q:120 K:Cmix |:Gcd e2d|gc'd' c'bg|fdf eBd|Bgf dBG| Gcd ede|gc'd' c'bg|fdB dfg|fdc c3:| |:Bcd c2a|bgf efg|fdB Bcd|edc BGF| Bcd c2c'|bge def|geg fed|ecB c3:|