X:780 T:Folk RNN Tune №36557 S:Tune #780 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/780 N:Generated at https://folkrnn.org using the thesession_with_repeats model with RNN seed = 781013; temperature = 1.3; prime tokens = M:4/4 K:Cmaj c 4 c 4 | d 3 e e 4 M:4/4 Q:120 K:Cmaj c4 c4|d3e e4|dedc A2G2|c2cB AGAB| c4 G3E|C3F E3G|1c2dc gedc|A6:| |2c2dc d3a|g2[a2g2]dGA3G|A/2B/2cBA _B3A|=B6cB| A2f2 A2B2|cA^GA B4|1Bd=ed AB^Gc|BAec d=edB| A3A ^Gdef|d3A dBGE|Gzgf d3a:||2BdAA A2BA| G^cd/2e/2f =d33/2G/4A/4Bc|cdef d3_e|BBcA Ge2d|:cGG=A BGBG| cFcA DA|CADA DEFA|dec2 AB/2A/2GB|1cGAG BGAG| cBE^G A3/2F/2D2|[D6F6]|1GE,AG2BA]:||2G6dB|