X:920 T:Folk RNN Tune №54101_EmersonElliot S:Tune #920 archived at The Machine Folk Session F:https://themachinefolksession.org/tune/920 N:Generated at https://folkrnn.org using the swedish model with RNN seed = 883985; temperature = 1.0; prime tokens = [L:1/8] [M:4/4] [K:DDor] [ ^c 8 E 8 ] [ E 8 D 8 ] | [ D 8 D 8 ] L:1/8 M:4/4 Q:105 K:DDor [^c8E8][E8D8]|[D8D8]|[DD]FED [F A, ][DD][DD][DA,][DD]F|[D2d2][FF][FA][E A ]4| DCEF GFED|C2D2 [A,4 C4 ]:||:A,fef gagf|efga bgff| ed^cd e2c2|[dF]2[dF]2[f A ]2[fA]2|[df][fa][fa][fd][f d ][fd]|[ge][ge][ge]2[g e ]2g2| gfgb g2f2|fed^c A4|[AF][FA][FA][FA][E A ][FA,][DA]2|[DA,]6z2:|