Tune of the month: August 2018

Vote for one of these tunes. Then start learning the tune with the most votes at the beginning of the month. Play the tune as is, or change in whatever ways you want. There are no wrong answers with machine folk.

The tune chosen by the community to learn is Folk RNN Tune №1931. Click through that link to the tune page for full details, downloads etc.; staff notation shown below.

The other tunes were Folk RNN Tune №2642, Folk RNN Tune №605, Folk RNN Tune №1848.

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Learn more about Shimon here: https://www.shimonrobot.com/

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I play my setting of this fine tune, with some changes I felt necessary.

  • Alrighty folks, we have our first Tune of the Month! Looking forward to seeing how everyone gets on with the tune. Just a reminder: feel completely free to change the tune however you want, e.g., transposition, changing notes or even entire bars and sections. Post your settings to the tune page and recordings here by the end of the month. Just have fun with it! And suggest some titles. :)

    Posted by Bob Sturm Aug. 1, 2018.

  • I discuss some of the changes I made to the tune here: https://highnoongmt.wordpress.com/2018/08/12/summers-almost-done-and-gone/

    Posted by Bob Sturm Aug. 12, 2018.

  • Anyone else going to contribute?

    Posted by Bob Sturm Aug. 30, 2018.

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